Saturday, April 28, 2012

Women's Issue... No Shame in Our Game...

So you're a thick chick. am I. What's great about that? Well I'll tell you…it's all in the attitude. You see it used to be the "thing" to be thin. You had it all if your thighs were lean and your butt the size of 2 golf balls. Some guys actually still like that. But I say things are changing and the girl with a little meat on her derrière is today's winner. Sure, the fashion industry is still selling the concept that 'twigs' are in; but we all know that's a fantasy world. People in the real world are starting to look at extra thin as 'abnormal' rather than  'normal'.
The real question is…what is normal??? Of course there are different views on the subject of size but one thing for sure, average is not a size 2 or 4 or 6. The average size of an American woman is a  healthy size 12. Bravo…for the girl with a little meat on her frame. I am  way up in the double digets and we are beautiful. I say love yourself as the fabulously, voluptuous woman you are. So hold your head up high and strut that positive attitude every time you open your eyes. Remembrer, RoundAbout Beauty loves you just the way you are.

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