Sunday, March 25, 2012

Women's Issue... Ugly By Coice...Really...?

Sometime I think as time passes, we as women, forget who we are. We grow up seeing ourselves one way … exciting, beautiful, fashion conscious a fun person to be with. We spend every waking hour caring for our bodies and doing the best we can to attract a mate.  We laugh and are the fun of the party. We watch our diet, keeping all those extra pounds at bay…and we know just the right wink to draw him in. And then it happens. We both ssy 'I do' and in an instant our life begins the change. We are happy and all is well in our world. Hummmmmm.
Who was that beautiful, sexy, fabulously funny woman of years ago???   Where did she go? How did she disappear and who is this woman of 'now'?  I see her but has she forgotten who she is…or should I say was? I have to ask myself why a person who fought so hard to get where she is in a relationship, turns loose all the tools of war that she used to win the battle. Here's what I mean.

As years pass, priorities change as we age. Children and finances come into play and alter  our lives …sometime forever. But what is the difference between those who let themselves become personally lax, and those who don't? Many stop being concerned with what they look like. The first thing that seems to go is their since of fashion. Now I am not saying one has to be Madam Cartier but a man's t-shirt???  Really!… and what happened to the mascara we used to so carefully place upon our lashes? Do you even own a make-up case any more??? How is it that your life has become filled with being Mommy, soccer, groceries, laundry and dirty toilets? True, someone has to do it but… ask yourself…have you forgotten who you were when he met you? … the woman who had him mesmerized and who he still looks for when he comes home…if he comes home. 

Ask yourself…why can't we remember? We are still that beautiful, exciting, fabulously funny woman. I encourage all of us to get back to being THAT woman just a little bit older. Help yourself and your man to second portion of happiness. Click here for beautiful lingerie from RoundAbout Beauty

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Women's Issue... The mouth that didn't get away...

So the big guy, Rush The "L" Limbaugh thought he was going to get away with characterizing a Georgetown law student Miss Sandra Fluke, as a slut and a prostitute. While Ms. Fluke was highlighting the importance of insurance coverage for women’s reproductive health, Rush thought it was OK to say she could put aspirin "between her legs' instead, and that she should produce a sex tape to be put on the Internet so the taxpayers could see where all their money was going; in essence he was attacking women's health care. The 'almighty Rush' ran to the microphone and fired a hurtful and vicious shot of words. He had the audacity to think the wrath of women would just sit dormant and not rise up in protest for fear that we might offend the big male GOP 'daddies' of power. How wrong you were.

We egg you on, Mr. l (yes, with a small l)…oh king of uninformed, vicious commentary; we know that for years you have been bad mouthing women, minorities, poor people …in fact anyone who was not white, male and powerful was in your scope. I am sure Miss Fluke when she heard your 3 day ranting tirade could hardly catch her breath. I on the other hand was quite pleased, because I knew you had almost literally shot yourself in the foot. Bravo to all those women who spoke up and sent you a roar heard wherever your biased, loud-mouthed syndicated show is aired. And now a public outcry for a boycott of sponsors who support the inflammatory Mr. l…wonderful; makes a girl want to snicker…told you so.

Rush, we are a joyous pack, hearts dripping with glee that so many sponsors have said, 'Enough is enough.' You know, there is danger in thinking that because you are Mr. Rush Limbaugh, you can get away with anything…that you are above the public right to have control one's body. From my POV, it would be a national service to kill your commentary all together for you have never done an ounce of good to any issue involving women.  And at your age, with all your in-grown bias, I suspect you never will. But as I do believe in the First Amendment, I have to tread lightly on that one.

You, as expected, remain defiant. But you will see… probably more sooner or later… that your fiery mouth is going to kill your ability to address the masses. No matter what you think, sir, women are not going to put up with your right wing rhetoric when it disrespects our daughters, our granddaughters and us. Again I say, there will be a reckoning, Mr. l.  Perhaps sooner than you think. RoundAbout Beauty cares about women and hopes you will visit our site real soon.