Sunday, July 8, 2012

Don't Cook the Kids Mom...

Here's a bit of women's many times have you put your kid into the stroller for a nice afternoon walk only to return home and find your child has acquired a sun burn??? Guess it's time to fess up mom... and BE MORE CAREFUL.  I'm tired of people being careless with their kids. Children don't speak up for themselves, so it's got to be you who takes note of the things that keep them safe. Wake up... do yourself and the little ones a favor ... keep the kids out of the sun!!!
a sun with sunglasses
Here's a few things to remember:
            If you're walking into the sun…shade their faces with a piece of cloth hung over the umbrella
            Use lots of sun block if you're at the beach or lake ...even if it's reflected sunlight...
If it's a cool day, your kid could still get a burn…and…
just because their skin might be some shade of brown, burns still happen.
So ladies, don't cook the kids… and tell your boyfriends and husbands to be careful too…for the kid's sake! Just a thought from RoundAbout Beauty

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Women's Issue... Play the Man's Game to Win...

Just started reading… Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man…written by Steve Harvey. Unbelievable!  There are so many things that make sense; this book is hard to put down. Now I am not into recommending personal reading for my followers, however this is a must read. In it Harvey talks about what are the differences between men and women. Oh yeah, I can hear you complaining you've read all the books on the subject, but I promise…this one is a gem: clearly written with logical conclusions. What else can a girl wish for.

Now I know the movie with the same name, or a part of the book's name, just came out and was a huge success. But get the book anyway. Things in there you will want to read over and over again. Buy it for your daughters and for your sisters. It will make understanding your man, their man, men in general a whole lot easier. Bravo, Steve, for being man enough to break the man's code of silence. Brave!!!  RoundAboutBeauty wishes you a great read.


Sunday, May 6, 2012

Women's Issue... Have a Little Fun Ladies...

Beautiful weather...beautiful thoughts. Get out there girls and have some fun. put your red dress on and plan a day and then an evening. you only live once that you can remember, so make the best of it.  Be georgous. Best to all of you from Roundbout Beauty.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Women's Issue... No Shame in Our Game...

So you're a thick chick. am I. What's great about that? Well I'll tell you…it's all in the attitude. You see it used to be the "thing" to be thin. You had it all if your thighs were lean and your butt the size of 2 golf balls. Some guys actually still like that. But I say things are changing and the girl with a little meat on her derrière is today's winner. Sure, the fashion industry is still selling the concept that 'twigs' are in; but we all know that's a fantasy world. People in the real world are starting to look at extra thin as 'abnormal' rather than  'normal'.
The real question is…what is normal??? Of course there are different views on the subject of size but one thing for sure, average is not a size 2 or 4 or 6. The average size of an American woman is a  healthy size 12. Bravo…for the girl with a little meat on her frame. I am  way up in the double digets and we are beautiful. I say love yourself as the fabulously, voluptuous woman you are. So hold your head up high and strut that positive attitude every time you open your eyes. Remembrer, RoundAbout Beauty loves you just the way you are.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Women's Issue... Who's the Sexy Momma in your Bed???

It Better Be You!!!
OK ladies...this one is going to be short and sweet.  It's vacation time. We all know it's time to think about vacations and what you want your man to find you wearing when he meets you in the bedroom. Will it be a drab shapeless gown, will you be in the buff, or will you be the fashionista beautifully dressed in one of the enticing babydolls from RounedAbout Beauty. Believe it can't look better than that. And bet on it...he'll think so too.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Women's Issue... You go girl...TRAVEL 'til you drop

I am a firm believer that every young woman who can, should have two priorities prior to marriage. One is to travel. The other is to get a degree in something that they love; a Bachelor's Degree will due. The sanctity of marriage is precious, however, I have found that once a young girl marries and children come, it will be a long while, if ever, that she will have the freedom or the time to travel. I told my daughter this many years ago and feel every daughter should be told the same thing.
Children need to know there is more to this world than what they see everyday. Once you get out of  the safety of the home bubble, the world is a fabulously mysterious place… a place where one can become centered/ focused, even humbled. A single plane ticket can bring clarity and perspective. Women who live here…and by here I mean in the US, have many freedoms that women in other parts of the world do not. Even if they do not agree with all the things we do, I think they would like to have the right to choose.
 Marriage is settling, and stabilizing. Bravo!  But in the scope of things, if it is meant to be, it can be… later. So, encourage your daughters to travel; there's a lifetime of wonders out there. Travel can make our them rich in experience…one who is a little more knowledgeable about people and the many things that are important to us as women. When their eyes are opened to the truths as they see them… with their own eyes… they'll be more equipped to make sound judgments. Chances are they will be freed from the bias opinions of others and better able to form their own opinions. This is what strong women are made of! Now take a break and visit RoundAbout Beauty…and always invite the positive.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Women's Issue... Stilettos…curse that I love

I want someone with guts to come out with extreme shoes for men. I love high heals. Always have...but at this height I would like to see stats that tell how many women have broken their ankles, legs, arms as a result of a fall from 5-6" heels. OK we have scaled 4" heels as we ventured forth following the fashion gurus. But 6"... really. Looks like just another fashion s...tunt that puts women at risk for the pleasure of men watching our derrières roll with the stroll. this is why we have extreme pain in the top of our feet after so many years of walking on stilts.
By no means am I ready to give up my heels...but the truth is the truth. They hurt!!! Furthermore, we have become the greatest monetary support for all the pedicurist out there who religiously scrape all that hard skin from the ball of our feet...caused, of course by the great pressure put on the foot from wearing...u guessed it...those darn gorgeous hi-heels. Don't know what the answer is... I want to see men do it. Yeah!!! I also want to see you in sexy lingerie this summer. Click here for fresh, stylish revealing lingerie from RoundAboutBreauty.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Women's Issue... Ugly By Coice...Really...?

Sometime I think as time passes, we as women, forget who we are. We grow up seeing ourselves one way … exciting, beautiful, fashion conscious a fun person to be with. We spend every waking hour caring for our bodies and doing the best we can to attract a mate.  We laugh and are the fun of the party. We watch our diet, keeping all those extra pounds at bay…and we know just the right wink to draw him in. And then it happens. We both ssy 'I do' and in an instant our life begins the change. We are happy and all is well in our world. Hummmmmm.
Who was that beautiful, sexy, fabulously funny woman of years ago???   Where did she go? How did she disappear and who is this woman of 'now'?  I see her but has she forgotten who she is…or should I say was? I have to ask myself why a person who fought so hard to get where she is in a relationship, turns loose all the tools of war that she used to win the battle. Here's what I mean.

As years pass, priorities change as we age. Children and finances come into play and alter  our lives …sometime forever. But what is the difference between those who let themselves become personally lax, and those who don't? Many stop being concerned with what they look like. The first thing that seems to go is their since of fashion. Now I am not saying one has to be Madam Cartier but a man's t-shirt???  Really!… and what happened to the mascara we used to so carefully place upon our lashes? Do you even own a make-up case any more??? How is it that your life has become filled with being Mommy, soccer, groceries, laundry and dirty toilets? True, someone has to do it but… ask yourself…have you forgotten who you were when he met you? … the woman who had him mesmerized and who he still looks for when he comes home…if he comes home. 

Ask yourself…why can't we remember? We are still that beautiful, exciting, fabulously funny woman. I encourage all of us to get back to being THAT woman just a little bit older. Help yourself and your man to second portion of happiness. Click here for beautiful lingerie from RoundAbout Beauty

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Women's Issue... The mouth that didn't get away...

So the big guy, Rush The "L" Limbaugh thought he was going to get away with characterizing a Georgetown law student Miss Sandra Fluke, as a slut and a prostitute. While Ms. Fluke was highlighting the importance of insurance coverage for women’s reproductive health, Rush thought it was OK to say she could put aspirin "between her legs' instead, and that she should produce a sex tape to be put on the Internet so the taxpayers could see where all their money was going; in essence he was attacking women's health care. The 'almighty Rush' ran to the microphone and fired a hurtful and vicious shot of words. He had the audacity to think the wrath of women would just sit dormant and not rise up in protest for fear that we might offend the big male GOP 'daddies' of power. How wrong you were.

We egg you on, Mr. l (yes, with a small l)…oh king of uninformed, vicious commentary; we know that for years you have been bad mouthing women, minorities, poor people …in fact anyone who was not white, male and powerful was in your scope. I am sure Miss Fluke when she heard your 3 day ranting tirade could hardly catch her breath. I on the other hand was quite pleased, because I knew you had almost literally shot yourself in the foot. Bravo to all those women who spoke up and sent you a roar heard wherever your biased, loud-mouthed syndicated show is aired. And now a public outcry for a boycott of sponsors who support the inflammatory Mr. l…wonderful; makes a girl want to snicker…told you so.

Rush, we are a joyous pack, hearts dripping with glee that so many sponsors have said, 'Enough is enough.' You know, there is danger in thinking that because you are Mr. Rush Limbaugh, you can get away with anything…that you are above the public right to have control one's body. From my POV, it would be a national service to kill your commentary all together for you have never done an ounce of good to any issue involving women.  And at your age, with all your in-grown bias, I suspect you never will. But as I do believe in the First Amendment, I have to tread lightly on that one.

You, as expected, remain defiant. But you will see… probably more sooner or later… that your fiery mouth is going to kill your ability to address the masses. No matter what you think, sir, women are not going to put up with your right wing rhetoric when it disrespects our daughters, our granddaughters and us. Again I say, there will be a reckoning, Mr. l.  Perhaps sooner than you think. RoundAbout Beauty cares about women and hopes you will visit our site real soon.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Women's Issue...

Time is Passing Fast...................
Soon it will be Spring. Its been so warm I suspect the birds don't exactly know what to do. We even have some tulips peeping out of the soil. The truth is...this is the middle of Winter. Hope they don't get a rude awakening with one of those unsuspected cold snaps. Anyway, hope all is well in your matter which reality you may find yourself (smile). My world is a blast! That being said, RoundAbout  Beauty wishes you a really grate day. Come visit us real soon.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

So What's In a Valentine???

When I think of Valentines Day I think of a 24 hour period when I look forward to being treated really special. Silly? Perhaps, but in America thousands of men and women share this feeling. This might lead us to ask from where did this annual public display of love and sexiness come? Are we not lovable all year round???  Are we more special on February 14th than on February 15th??? There seems to be something contradictory here. I would tend to believe that I am either loved …or I am not.

According to Hallmark Cards, Inc nearly 141 million cards are exchanged on this holiday, and candy projections are looking at 2l.5 billion in sales. This, of course does not count all the gifts and telephone calls that are made by day's end.

There are basically two camps on the subject of Valentines Day. On one side there are those who are mesmerized by the hearts, the candy, love notes, flowers and particularly red roses. Then, there are those who say it is just another marketing strategy to make big bucks. The question is what do you think. Would you miss the flowers and the candy or does it really matter since perhaps you feel loved every day of the year.
Whatever you think, It would be nice if the sentiment of being someone's valentine … their very special person … could manifest every day of the year. I like it and I look forward to my Valentine every single day. Sometime by treating myself to sexy lingerie by RoundAbout Beauty .

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Women's Issue... The Blues Don't Scare Me!!!

For many of us being depressed is an every day happening. One in ten of us suffer from these bouts of  'oh wow is me." Yes…there we sit with nothing to do, nowhere to go and too much time on our hands. Before you know it we're feeling not beautiful, not sexy, not smart. My mother used to say an idle mind was the devil's workshop. I think what she meant was that if I am not focused…if I don't have a plan, than I don't have purpose, which brings on a depression and a sense of uselessness. OK you say…so what's the remedy?  Quite simply, get out there a get active.

Yes, ladies, put on those sneakers and get moving. When the blood flows with gusto, you get that adrenaline rush, the brain gets oxygen and the body has purpose. No time for  depression  when you're doing those reps. Know what I mean…nothing like an oxygen high. After you get the muscles going, take your tired body home, shower and get into something sexy. I'm sure you'll find just the right teddy at RoundAbout Beauty. Remember…Depression likes an idle mind. So… l-a-d-i-e-s …get-a-rockin'.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Etiquette...What The Hell IsThat???

           I want to know what ever happened to manners? I remember when men, or people in general used words like please and thank you…or stood for seniors and offered the small courtesies towards women in general.

           Are these social good tidings gone for good? Has the word Etiquette been deleted from the dictionary...or maybe it's just hiding temporarily. I can't tell you how many people have pushed past me to get in the door or if I open the door for a group…no one says 'Thank you'. Makes you wonder if mothers have stopped teaching their children manners.

           Is the art of demonstrating manners become an ancient tradition? Here's another thing…I'm not an advocate of male dominance, but let's face it I am a woman and I do like the little niceties that can come with the title. I enjoy the door being opened for me and I enter first…not behind my date. I also like people who say please and thank you. Words like 'excuse me' or 'pardon me' are like music to my ears when I have been inconvenienced. I don' t like hats on the table or the sound of soup slerping.

           My point is,  we deserve to be treated with all the niceties that our parents received and we in kind, need to start give these niceties back. In all honesty it seems the South is more inclined to have manners while, I hate to say the Northern on the other hand , seems to have forgotten their's. Check out  Enjoy